From previous post I've done, most of you may know how big a fan I am of the Mercedes-Benz 126 chassis cars. It was a time when Mercedes build quality was the finest in the world. Here is a challenge to my readers, take notice next time your on your daily commute. See how many 126 Mercedes you see on average over the week. I can guarantee there are more of them on the road than any other car from that era!
Towards the end of the long run of the 126 Chassis, Mercedes brought to the U.S. some non V8 powered 126 cars. From 1989-1991 Mercedes offered the 300SE & 300SEL for sale in the U.S. With a bullet proof, 3.0 Liter strait 6 engine, the 300 series cars offered all the prestige and quality of it's top of the line 500 series brothers, without the high gas bills. The 3.0 wasn't a slouch on power either, pumping out around 180hp and 190lbs ft. torque. Good by even modern standards.

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